Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Days 7, 8, & 9 P90X3: Dynamix, Total Synergistics, and Agility X

It's been a few days since my last entry.  Things have been very busy but good.

On Sunday, I had the option to do either the "Dynamix" workout or Rest.  I didn't want to rest, because I didn't want to lose momentum.  So, I opted for an hour long walk with my husband and kids.  From there, it was playing with the kids until they went to bed.  It was definitely not rest, but I didn't do anything as intense as a P90X3 workout.

Yesterday was Total Synergistics, and, though it was difficult and challenging, it went better than last week.  I was able to do more reps and more weight than last week.  Additionally, I was able to do 6 "boat and plow" moves.  It was SO HARD, but I stuck with it, and I felt so proud.

Today was Agility X, and it is quickly shaping up to be my favorite workout.  I LOVE the moves, I find Tony Horton to be extra funny and incredibly motivating.  There are moments when I can't keep track of which direction I'm supposed to be running, or grapevining, or high knee-ing, but I just do what I can and know that ANY movement is better than NO movement.  I could do WAY MORE this week than last week.  That is not hyperbole. I honestly could.  I pushed myself harder than I normally do because I want to see how far I can go with each of the individual exercises.  I wound up in a puddle of sweat, and it felt absolutely WONDERFUL.

I wish that I had done cross training when I was training for marathons, but I didn't. I thought that the only thing I needed to do was run.  And run more.  However, since starting with Beachbody and learning more about fitness and nutrition, I realize that only running while training for a marathon was a HUGE mistake.

So, what does cross training give you that only running (or only walking or "only" any other activity? It works muscles that won't get worked if you "only" run.  It gets your blood pumping faster than simply running at a steady pace.  It helps you lose weight if that's a goal.  There should be core work involved in any cross training, because a strong core means a strong back which means that a person can run for miles and miles without a sore back, sore knees, ankles.  Now, I'm not a personal trainer, but I know what I feel.  My back and core are stronger, my knees and ankles hurt less, and I can run farther and faster than ever before.

Today's workout was punctuated by my kids and their toys (below).  The tape delineates my workout space, as well as my agility targets.

Onward and upward

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