Saturday, June 14, 2014

Days 10 & 11 P90X3: X3 Yoga and the Challenge

In between Agility X and X3 yoga, I took a day off.  I pushed REALLY hard during Agility X and needed a day of rest.  My body was wiped out.  I walked and ran after my kids but decided that X3 Yoga would have to wait.

The additional reason for the day off after Agility X is that I need new shoes.  It is important to replace shoes every 6 months, even if you haven't worn them a ton.  The shoe itself changes composition over time, so even if you are not wearing it a lot, you still need to get new shoes.  As the pain radiated up my ankles to my knees and hips a few hours after Agility X, I realized, "Hmmm, that feels like a shoe problem." Because I've run a few marathons, I can tell the difference between pain from muscle soreness (i.e., using a muscle I haven't used in a while) and shoe pain.  This was definitely shoe pain. Shoe pain is the pain that requires Ibuprofen (which I don't take anymore, but that's a different story) not just stretching.  It feels like heat in your muscles, kind of like growing pains if you remember those. After a few hours of that type of pain, I hopped online and got another pair of the shoes I currently wear.  My current shoes are cross trainers, and they are the best cross trainers I have ever worn.  Even better than how they fit and wear is that they are ON SALE for $40!!  Anyone who knows me knows how frugal I am, so $40 is a HUGE score.  The shoes should be here Monday. Until then, I just have to deal with the shoes I have.  Yoga was no problem since I go barefoot.  The Challenge yesterday was not a problem since it consists of pushups and pull ups and no jumping and leaping.  Today is CVX for me which is a total cardio workout.  This will be a challenge in my shoes, but I am going to push through. If I start to feel pain, I will stop, of course.  Never keep going when you feel pain.  NEVER. Especially if you feel it in your joints.  Stop immediately. Fix your form if that is where the pain is stemming from and keep going.  If you feel joint pain again, STOP.

Yoga went REALLY well this week. I did more and better than last week.  I am already feeling more flexible than the past few weeks.

The Challenge was a HUGE triumph for me.  For the FIRST time IN MY LIFE, I did 20 pushups on my TOES!  After the first set, I then had to alternate between knees and toes but was able to continue the alternation and not go totally to my knees.  This is HUGE for me.  Never in my life have I done 20 on my TOES!

My pull up bar arrived yesterday and now comes the task of putting it together ;-)  I need the pull up bar.  Using the resistance bands just isn't enough of  a challenge for me.  My numbers for yesterday were 20-20 (20 pull ups with the resistance bands and 20 pushups), and I accomplished both! YEAH!!

I will post again later after completing CVX.

Onward and upward.

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