Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 3 (repeat) P90X3: X3 Yoga

I have always been a HUGE fan of yoga and pilates.  About 10 years ago, I took a class at our Y that was called 'Body Flow.' It was a combination of yoga, pilates, and tai chi.  I LOVED it.  I remember bringing my husband with me one time.  He thought it would be a piece of cake.  Within 1 or 2 minutes, he was dripping sweat and panting heavily.  I will never forget the look on his face.

Yoga looks easy, but, rest assured, it is not.  Today's workout was X3 Yoga, and it delivered.  I have become less flexible over time, but I can sense already that X3 Yoga will help me tremendously.  As I said yesterday in my post, the goal now is to age well, and I know how important flexibility is to aging.
In each of his workouts, Tony Horton has 3 'helpers,' if you will ,in addition to himself.  One is the modifier, one is the mid-range person, and the third person (usually at the back) is the REALLY advanced person.  I had to do every move according to the modifier, Stephanie, who is a dancer. Tony Horton had to remind her: "You're the modifier, you may want to back off on this move a bit."  I LOVED that comment because I was like, "Seriously, Stephanie? I CANNOT stretch that far."  As soon as TH told her to dial it back, I felt better, as though he understands what some of us are capable of (which is not much at this point).

What I enjoyed most about this workout, other than the calming music and dialogue, is watching the advanced people.  Ted is THE dude when it comes to yoga. That guy is FUN to watch.  I would LOVE to be where he is in 90 days, but my goal is to get to where Traci, the middle person, is.  She is a mother of 6 (yes, SIX) kids and can clearly do some yoga.  Her yoga level is my goal. I'm putting out there in to the universe, and I will make it happen in 90 days!

Finally, I took my brother-in-law's advice (from a previous comment) and taped my workout schedule to our refrigerator.  Not only does it remind me to DO my workout, it makes me THINK about what I EAT.  There will be ZERO results without proper nutrition.  THAT is key.

Onward and upward!

1 comment:

  1. Yoga quickly became my favorite workout. I even added the 1.5 hr x1 yoga on a few Sundays. I still use the modifier for a few move but I give it my all every time. My yoga day was yesterday and I almost took a pic of myself after and sent it to you. Completely drenched.
