Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 6 P90X3: Warrior

This workout can be summed up by what I said to myself when it was over: "That is some crazy s&^t!" This session was insanely intense but feels GREAT.  The Warrior workout is based on military drills. Each round has a focus on upper body, lower body, cardio, and core.  Upper body is mostly pushups, lower body is a lot of squats and lunges, cardio is jump squats, skaters (like speed skaters), and some football drills, and core is all kinds of sit ups.

I actually did this workout back in January at a coach meeting in Orlando.  I remember thinking, "How the hell would I get through the entire 90 days of this?"  Here I am on Day 6, and I am really looking forward to the next few months.

What I learned about myself today:

1) I am stronger physically and mentally than I give myself credit for.

2) I am ALWAYS in a better mood when and after I workout.  I am more balanced, happier, more goal-driven, and I ALWAYS focus on healthy eating.  Why would I want to negate all this work with crap food?

3) I can jump higher than I had thought I could.

4) I can squat more than I thought I could.

5) The past 18 months with Beachbody programs have gotten me VERY strong.  I may fall off the wagon from time to time, but I ALWAYS stay strong (the longest I have ever gone without working out in the past 18 months is 3 weeks which usually happens when I am doing the Ultimate Reset and am not *allowed* to do high intensity work).

6) My goals are closer than I thought.

7) Even though I woke up VERY sore today from yesterday's workout (and lingering soreness from The Challenge), I still got my fitness on. I could have bagged it, but I have learned about active recovery (exercise when you are sore to help your muscles recover) and decided that I need to get my workout done. I have also come to trust immensely the trainers at Beachbody.  They know what they are doing.  They know how they are arranging and scheduling the workouts. I know that Tony Horton has a plan with the sequencing of X3, and I will do it faithfully.  I warm up, I do my work, and I cool down and stretch. Every. Single. Day.

I am VERY excited to be doing this program. I LOVE it, and I am grateful to be connected with it and with Beachbody.

Onward and upward! Have a great Saturday.  Below: Me, post Warrior.

1 comment:

  1. Started week 16 today.
    Bit of a struggle but got it in.
    4 miles and yoga x tomorrow.
    My favorite workout day!
