Wednesday, May 14, 2014

P90X3, Day 2, Agility X

So, who thought that Agility X would be easy???? This girl!  Who was wronger (I know that's not a real word) than EVER? This girl! Who thought, "Oh, that's so cute. I get to put tape on the floor and mark Xs on it, just like my kids do when they play?"  This girl!  Who thought that a little jumping and lunging would be a piece of cake? Yes, all together now... "THIS GIRL."  Who could not have been more WRONG!? Holy moly!  What a workout.  I was dripping sweat within about 1 minute (I started sweating during the WARM UP!!).

The highlights from today's workout:
1) I LOVE this workout.

2) I am rather uncoordinated.  For someone who managed to play high school sports and be half decent (let's not pretend I was high caliber; I was a bench warmer, but I was good at that), I'm surprisingly uncoordinated.  HOWEVER, that did not matter for this workout.  Once I got myself going and got in to a rhythm of the moves, I was good to go.

3) Tony Horton consistently reminds his audience about how powerful and FABULOUSLY effective this workout is by saying, "You could have spent the last 30 minutes on the elliptical and burned almost NOTHING." "Who says you can't get in a tough workout in 30 minutes?"  As he says these things, I'm thinking, "I wasted all of those years walking on a treadmill and doing the elliptical with NO other form of training. No wonder I never really felt fit."  This is also one BIG reason, I have finally come to understand, that I often GAINED weight while training for and running marathons.  Against the best practices, I almost never did speed drills or interval training.  Not smart, but I was more focused on just getting through the run.  Yes, I realize how lame that sounds.  If I had actually DONE the speed and interval work, I wouldn't have just 'gotten through' the run, I would have gone faster and better.  Ah, well, live and learn.

4) I LOVE TONY HORTON.  There are some folks out there, I have heard, who think he is SUPER annoying.  I think he is AWESOME. I love his humor, I love his love for fitness and his passion for helping his audience.  He REALLY does seem like he cares about ME (just me).  I think that this is why he (and others like him like Shaun T and Chalene Johnson) are so incredibly successful.  I begin to feel connected to them, as if they are really truly in my basement cheering me on, as if they really truly want me to be fit, healthy, and well.  I was always someone who liked group exercise.  I never thought I would or could workout alone.  Turns out, I AM NOT really ALONE.  They are there with me, and I feel their passion.  It's an incredible feeling (and as I write this I realize that I sound weird and kind of like a stalker).  It keeps me wanting to push play.

Some advice if you decide that P90X3 is for you (and it should be; it's meant for EVERYONE):
1) Don't use your son's wood train tracks as the agility markers.  Tony suggests masking tape.  Now I know why.  Wooden train tracks move and slip, and I slip on them.   Not good.

2) BRING IT ALL to this workout.  You will not die.  Yes, you will feel a bit uncoordinated, but you will survive and feel great.

3) Give every move a try.  Even if you have to modify eventually, just try each move.  They are actually kind of fun.  Running in circles is a lot of fun.  Even though I do this all day long with my kids, it's a LOT more fun with Tony Horton cheering me on.

4) No matter what you've heard about how "hard" P90X, P90X2, and P90X3 are, they are hard but they are a lot of fun, and it is fun that makes me get up and get it done.

5) ALWAYS have your water close.  There isn't a ton of time to drink it, but you will need it.

Tomorrow is a new day, and I am excited for what's on tap? Are you ready to try P90X3? Come on! You KNOW you want to!


  1. Shoot I was going to remind you to get tape! I was on a run a couple weeks ago and made a move between a puddle an a pothole that made me smile and thank Agility X.

  2. Thanks, Jer. We have blue tape for painting somewhere in the basement. I'll find it or get new stuff. That's awesome about your run!
