Monday, November 3, 2014

Ultimate Reset, Day 1: The scale

Today is Day 1 of the Ultimate Reset for me.  I am REALLY excited to get going on this amazing 21 day clean eating & detox program.  I have done it a number of times in the past year, and I love the results.

Part of the program is to weigh yourself, take your measurements, and before pictures on Day 1.  I weighed myself this morning, and OMG! I'm REALLY annoyed at myself.  Since I did the program last (July 2014), I've gained 10 pounds.  There, I said it.  It always amazes me how LONG it takes to lose weight and how quickly it goes back on.  Holy cow.

Even before I weighed myself, I knew that I had gained weight.  All of my clothes are tight.  After doing the program the first time in April 2013, I lost 14 pounds and 9.5 inches.  In an effort to tell and show myself that I would NEVER gain that weight back, I donated all of my "fat" clothes.  Now, I REFUSE to buy new ones at a larger size, because I KNOW that I can take it off and get back to a healthy place.

Where I find myself now is SO FRUSTRATING.  To move forward, though, I will have to let go of the frustration. I will have to start clean (no pun intended) TODAY, acknowledge that I've gained weight, think about how it happened, and then vow to take every day as it comes. I find myself already panicked about Day 22, the day after the program comes to an end.  Should I continue to follow the program beyond the 21 days? Probably not.  The experts at BB suggest 21 days for a reason, and I should listen to them.  Should I slowly enter back in to the "real" world of eating? That seems like a better solution.  Should I get back to the 21 Day Fix and its workouts? Yes!  Definitely.

This time around, my focus is going to be on the mind-body-nutrition connection.  This seems like it's the last piece of the puzzle for me.  I am SUPER successful on this program.  Then, I get back to my old ways, and I don't know why.  I feel SO GREAT on this plan.  I have tons of energy; I am happy that I am focusing on my health and wellness, and I find myself REALLY happy.  Always REALLY happy.

And, who doesn't like going in to their closet without wondering what will fit?!  Time for that to stop. Please continue reading and feel free to make a comment.

Breakfast, Day 1: 2 scrambled eggs, 1 1/2 cups steamed spinach, and whole wheat toast.  See? I'm NOT kidding: good food, WHOLE food.  I CAN do this.

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